As of May 6, 2024 GEOD has joined forces with MFS Engineers and Surveyors to deliver unparalleled services to meet your engineering and surveying needs - click here to learn more.

Hurricane Sandy Residential Community Recovery (Build It Back Queens)

As part of the Hurricane Sandy Recovery process, New York City implemented the NYC Build It Back program.

The program provided owners whose homes were demolished or destroyed as a result of damage caused by Hurricane Sandy the construction funds necessary to help them rebuild to what they had before Sandy.

In support of NYC Build It Back, MFS (formerly GEOD) provided full property boundary surveys with metes and bounds for more than 500 properties throughout Queens, NY. The survey services included establishing horizontal and vertical control, performing existing building locations, first floor elevations, topographic surveys, and location of existing utilities including rim and invert elevations, deed research and providing flood certifications.

  • Owner: NYCDDC
  • Services: Land Survey
  • Services: Surface Utility Markouts